Tuesday, June 07, 2005

More on Responsible Pet Ownership

I have been doing a fair bit of research via the internet to determine just what information is out there concerning "Responsible Pet Ownership." I have been pleased to find a plethera of information - many great web sites offering what I consider to be quality info.

Some sites I recommend:
* http://www.cvm.tamu.edu/heb/archive/9899/Prog9/ (a favorite)

Basically, all these sites, with the exception of the third, give information about proper care, feeding, environment, training. The one thing I find that seems lacking in all the information is "bonding." Only the third site - "Responsible Pet Ownership with Dr. John R. August" even approaches the topic of pet as family member. Not a single site I surfed discussed the emotional care and responsibilities for our pets.

For me being a responsible owner means so much more than feeding, providing shelter, and proper health care. For me, being responsible means caring about and bonding with the whole dog - mentally, emotionally as well as physically.

I take great pleasure in my dogs - fur babies as I refer to them. I sing to them - which I tell myself they like - a lot!! I talk with them and enjoy seeing the looks in their eyes - looks of understanding, patience, excitement, love. I look into their eyes consistently - having that bond allows me to see when they are or are not feeling emotionally fulfilled.

Mentally caring means that I provide challenges for them. We play together - games like hide-n-seek (they love that game!) "Where's _____?" (daddy, Robby, etc...) "Find it" and of course training falls into this category as well, etc....

As much as possible, more so in the mild months, I ensure that they are physically active and fulfilled as well. Walking, playing ball, chase, and any of the challenge games mentioned above ensure they are each getting what I consider to be proper physical activity. (I must note here that Pru and Neo are much better at activity than Brin. Brin prefers to stand by me and watch the others run and play. I work extra hard to play just with her so that she too is active).

I guess what I am saying is that in researching and in asking myself the question: "what is responsible pet ownership and am I living up to those responsibilities?" -- I have discovered that I am a good dog owner - better yet I am a good companion to my fur babies and in turn they are my companions as well.

And I realize that all of this was my way of justifying my criticisms and judgements of others in their treatment of pets. So, now I can grouse all I want - well, at least I have given myself permission to do so!!


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